5 ways to make your office ergonomic

5 ways to make your office ergonomic

When you step into your car you adjust the seat, mirrors and even the steering wheel before you drive, so why when you step into your office are most people happy to just take a seat and get to work.

We have compiled a few tips for making your workspace more ergonomic.

  1. Sitting incorrectly at your desk for hours on end can cause shoulder, neck, back and wrist injuries. Readjust your chair so that your back is firmly against the back rest, your feet are flat on the floor, your knees touch or almost touch the edge of your chair and your spine is stacked perfectly.
  2. Next you need to position your keyboard and mouse mat. Keeping them in a position whereby your elbows are by your side or at a 90-degree angle. Using a pull-out keyboard tray is a great way to achieve the perfect position.
  3. Your screens should not be too far away from you. The easiest way to work this out is to hold your arms in front of you and if your fingers touch the screen they are at the perfect distance. Having the screen too far away can make you hunch your back and crane your next to get a better visual.
  4. Don’t cross your legs. Crossing your legs for an extended period of time can cut off circulation to your legs and cause damage.
  5. Every hour on the hour get up from your work station and take a brisk walk around. This will get your blood pumping and clear your head, so it’s a win/win/win!

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